



•     爱谷设计采用日本”In-House”模式的设计开发流程,强调与客户的研发体系高度融合,实现了近乎于部门间协作的紧密默契,从而拉近了合作双方的心理距离。


•     I.CODesign adopts Japanese "In-House" design and development process, and emphasizes high degree of integration with R & D system of customer, achieving a tacit mutual understanding amongsectors and thus closing the psychological distance between cooperation partners.

•     我们认为科学的设计流程必须具备完整性、自然性以及准确性三大要素,缺一不可!

•     We believe scientific design process must have three indispensable elements, integrity, naturality and accuracy!

•     完整性

•     Integrity
Design and development process is likea sophisticated and complex organism, any missing link is likely to lead to a “domino effect”.

•     自然性

•     Naturality
Each process should have well-ordered stages in line with the natural order of progressive development. The quick success anddestructive enthusiasm may only result in short-lived achievement.

•     准确性

•     Accuracy
Integrity and naturality are the basis of accuracy. Without accuracy, integrity and naturality are out of the question.





•     爱谷设计的创始人是西泽稔社长和赵晨,团队主要由中、日两国设计师构成,核心团队的平均年龄达到了47岁,可谓非常资深!


•      The founder of I.CO are Nishizawa san and Zhao Chen,I.CO’s designteam is mainly composed of Chinese and Japanese designers, and the average age of the core team has reached 47 years old, described as experienced!

•     不同背景的设计师在一起工作与交流,不但实现了前沿资讯的实时共享,同时也激发了大家设计灵感的猛烈碰撞!


•     Designers from different backgrounds work together and exchange ideas, not only to achieve real-time sharing of cutting-edge information, but also to inspire the violent collisionbetween design inspirations!

•     面对周遭的快速变幻,我们剥离纷扰,始终以“匠心“主导设计,持续、稳定地输出着优质的服务,诚实、坦然地面对着自己的内心!


•     Facing the rapid changes of the surrounding, we strip confusions, adhere to "craftsmanship" as our main principle, sustainably and stably output quality service, and always keep honesty and peace within our heart!



•     手绘表现是工业设计师必须掌握的一项基础技能,也是最为高效、灵活的设计表达以及设计沟通形式。因此,我们尤为重视设计师手绘技能的培养。


•     Sketching is a basic skillmastered by industrial designer. It is the most efficient and flexible design expression and communication form. Therefore, we paid special attention to the cultivation ofdesigner’s hand drawingskill.



•     爱谷对于设计的独创性以及审美性有着极高的追求,这就要求我们在有限的时间内要尽可能充分地确保创意设计工作的投入力度,而相对减少设计表现工作所占用的时间。因此,我们始终坚持以手绘图作为首选的提案表现形式。


•     I.CO Design’s high pursuit on originality and aesthetic design requires us to ensure sufficient investment in creative design and relatively reduce the time taken on designexpressionwithin a limited time. Therefore, we always adhere to the hand drawing as the preferred form ofa proposal.



•     爱谷设计的中、日两国团队间长期保持着远程协作,同时爱谷设计服务的客户也遍及多个国家及地区,因此高效且形象化的沟通媒介至关重要!对此,我们要求设计师可以通过手绘图快速、准确地表达关于风格、细节、结构、装配等方面的沟通内容,从而大大提高了项目的效率以及准确度!。


•     Our design teams in China and Japan have maintained a long-term remote collaboration. I.CODesign’s customers are spread acrossmany countries and regions, therefore an efficient and visualized communication channel is of great importance! In this regard, we called for designers to quickly and accurately express the style, details, construction, assembly and other aspects of the communication through sketching, thus greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of the project!




•     美好的事物应当强调均衡,而非极致,因此我们通过“表里相依“的十二要素来综合审视我们的设计,力求平衡得恰如其分。


•     Good things should be emphasized in terms of the balance, rather than the ultimate, so we take twelve "interdependent" factors for comprehensive review of our design, and strive to get the right balance.

•     我们理解的平衡是相对的,而非绝对的一尘不变。产品、用户、市场等因素的差异决定了需求的不同,而这将直接影响我们对于设计的评判标准。因此,有所侧重的平衡才是恰当的!

•     The balance we understand is relative, not absolutely unchanged. Differentiated products, customers, markets and other factors determine the difference in needs, which will directly affect our criteria for design. Therefore, a focused balance is appropriate!

•     “表里相依“的质量管理标准指导我们对设计方案进行严格的筛查与管控,帮助我们积累了大量的成功案例以及业界良好的口碑,可以说”表里相依“是爱谷设计赖以生存的重要基础!

•     "Interdependent" quality control standardhas given us the guidance for strict screening and controlof our design, helping us accumulate a lot of success stories and good reputation of the industry. We believe that "interdependent" is an important basis for I.CO Design!



•     借助地缘优势,爱谷设计持续为中日两国制造业以及设计学术界的合作与交流贡献微薄之力。至今,我们帮助了众多中日两国的企业成功实现了面向对方市场的产品投放。为了进一步强化信息及资源的共享,我们致力于吸纳各领域的伙伴公司并结成战略合作关系,建立中日合作网络的平台,以期为客户提供更加全面的服务。


•     Just think, if the cognitive system and evaluation criterion of two sides are not unified, the results of the cooperation will remain difficult to make both sides satisfied! Therefore, we willmake the fullest communication early in the project with the client on the project demands and formulate detailed "project confirmation" confirmed and signed by both sides. It can not only effectively guide the work, but also achieve a constraint effect on both sides.

•     试想,如果合作双方的认知体系以及评判标准未能得以统一,那合作的结果势必难以令双方皆大欢喜!因此,我们会在项目初期与客户就项目需求做极其充分的沟通与交流并制作详尽的《项目确认书》以供双方确认并签署。这既能有效指导工作,又能实现对双方的约束。

•     In order to reach the goal of "product loyal to the creativity", we need to focus on materials, process, cost, construction, assembly, production, maintenance, protection, regulation and standardization of the product. Otherwise, the transformationfrom design planto mass production must be changed repeatedly, which is bound to fritter away the essencein original inspiration. We believe this is the dishonesty to our design and customer!

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